In another article we talked about how to input teacher information into Proclaim!. You may want to display a list of your teachers and studies/sermons associated with them. That's what these views do. You find them in the Template Display Settings tab and opening up a template record (probably default).
Teacher List
Set the various parameters for what you show on the list page. To actually create a menu item to the list, use Joomla's Menus system and choose the Proclaim! and Teachers List view. If you use an image thumbnail it will appear if you set it, along with name, title, information and links.
Teacher Details
When a visitor clicks on the link it opens up a details page. Set those parameters in the Teacher Details tab. The items you can use are detailed, along with the same method as a Studies List using the Bootstrap 12 column grid. You set what row, how many columns to span, and what html element you want to use.